How to build a life of hope

Building a life of hope

Do you want to be an over-comer? Do you want to overcome life's challenges? Read on for three ways to build hope into your life.

I heard Tessa Greenspan speak at my church, the Center for Spiritual Living in Maryland Heights, Missouri. Tessa is the former owner of Sappington Farmer's Market in Sappington, Missouri. I used to love to go to her store and watch that wonderful train spin around with its announcement of specials. Tessa has been a real inspiration locally, nationally, and internationally. When she spoke, she spun a tale of incredible challenges when she was growing up.

She came. as I did, from an alcoholic family. Her story, as well as mine, is one of incredible recovery.

I am about to disclose one of her secrets. It's called "flip the switch" from Maxwell Maltz' Psychocybernetics.

When you flip the switch, you take the focus off of a negative event and put it on an event that makes you sizzle. My question is which events in your life do you want to flip the switch.

I have a case in point. I was subjected to being in the car over a thousand times with my alcoholic father. I can still go into a rage and a fit of despair when I think about this. It drags down my energy.

I recently received a picture from one of my former piano students, Mercia Sain Moore. Three of my students earned honors in a state music teacher's convention that year. All three, Mercia, Sharon Briggs, and Kristin Kibens were pictured sitting with a bouquet of flowers in their hands. I remembered the event, but I did not remember the picture. When I saw it, my energy increased because I picked up on the thrill of having them win. This is the switch I go to when I think about my father's drunken episodes.

Tessa also talked about developing strenghts to overcome the trauma in her life. She modeled herself after her mother, who had incredible strength and determination.

My question is, who can you model yourself after when you think about achieving incredibile things in your life? Think about your parents. Which qualities do they have that you can incorporate into your life?

Now you have two secrets: flip the switch and develop strengths.

Now for number three: Find a well-known figure to emulate. I choose Corrie Ten Boom whose incredible Christian faith enabled her to go out and preach a message of forgiveness toward those who tormented her and killed her whole family during the holocaust.

Now you have three, flip the switch, develop your strengths, and find a well- known figure to emulate.

Blessings to you.

For more information on building hope, go to Passages of Hope and Hope Shines Eternal on Amazon.

Hope shines Eternal; My Journey Through Mental Illness are both available on amazon. Raised in an alcoholic home, I became depressed and riddled with anxiety at an early age. Over the years, I have dealt with depression in a variety of ways, from counseling to alternative and traditional healing modalities. One of the purposes in my life is to convey hope to those who have suffered from depression and I hope to do this in my writings and in speaking engagements.

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